Modelling Cohesive-Frictional Particulate Solids For Bulk Handling Applications

In: Proceedings of the II International Conference on Particle-based Methods – Fundamentals and Applications - PARTICLES 2011
Barcelona, Spain


Many powders and particulate solids are cohesive in nature and the strength often exhibits dependence on the consolidation stress. As a result, the stress history in the material leading up to a handling scenario needs to be considered when evaluating its handleability. This paper outlines the development of a DEM contact model accounting for plasticity and adhesion force, which is shown to be suitable for modelling the stress history dependent cohesive strength. The model was used to simulate the confined consolidation and the subsequent unconfined loading of iron ore fines with particle sizes up to 1.18mm. The predicted flow function was found to be comparable to the experimental results.

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John P. Morrissey
John P. Morrissey
Research Scientist in Granular Mechanics

My research interests include particulate mechanics, the Discrete Element Method (DEM) and other numerical simulation tools. I’m also interested in all things data and how to extract meaningful information from it.
